saltvik viking market
Since 1999 have Fornföreningen Fibula arranged Saltvik Viking Market in our own Viking village.
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Latest news from our blog
The application form to Saltvik Viking Market for merchants, craftspeople, viking fighters and reenactors is now up! This years market takes place 24-26th of July. Last application day is 22nd of June. To the application form Welcome to Saltvik Viking Market, always the last weekend of […]
Now there’s a bus table to and from the market on the website under the tab Saltvik Viking Market/Get to Saltvik Viking Market This year we are partners with Sunds Buss & Lastbilstransporter, who will provide bus transportation on Friday and Saturday. Welcome to Saltvik […]
The website is now updated with info about this years Saltvik Viking Market! Even this year you can pre-buy tickets to the market at Tyger & Sånt in Mariehamn and at K-Market Mattssons in Godby. More info will come! This year we will have Sunds buss […]